Where broken needles are laid to rest

February 1, 2012 § 2 Comments

In everything you do, you have to be able to rely on the equipment you use to do what you do well. As you go along, some tools become trusted friends, the ones you always take out of the box because you know they will do the job. There’s nothing more devastating than breaking a needle (aside from the crazy-ass sound the sewing machine makes as if it’s about to explode in your face) and I never know whether to throw it away or put it up on a memorial and write “You saw me through very tough canvas”. This past month saw the gruesome (and very unjust) decapitation of my stitch ripper, the death of three no.14 needles, and the fatal injuring of numerous pins. I was very happy, then, to catch some Craft Gossip and learn from Susan Elliot that those crazy-lovely Japanese have a festival coming up in honor of broken needles and other craftsman’s tools. And it’s happening soon! Read more about Hari-Kuyo here.

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